Thursday, December 26, 2019
Mary Slessor s The Lord - 1124 Words
Mary Slessor’s story has been told countless times for her bravery and dedication to the call of the Lord. However, despite the fame that she had acquired, she held on her to humility and gave glory to the Lord instead. She said, â€Å"Blessed the man and woman who is able to serve cheerfully in the second rank - a big test.†This quote shows her desire to serve the Lord and give Him credit before she gave herself and glory. Mary exhibited this type of humility throughout her mission work in Africa. During her time there, she accomplished many difficult tasks and challenges while still relying on the Lord for help and guidance. Despite the physical hardships and fear of dangerous situations, Mary Slessor persevered and became one of the first†¦show more content†¦Mary Slessor exhibited determination like no other. While in Calabar, she felt the Lord leading her to a nearby tribe, otherwise known as the Okoyong people, who was â€Å"specially noted for its lawl ess heathenism†(Livingstone 46). The tribe consistently denied her request to come see them and were adamant that they did not want any missionaries. Despite this discouragement, she set out on her own in a canoe down the Calabar River, so that she could minister to the people. When she decided she wanted to make a home among this tribe, the people of her previous village told her she would surely be killed. However, she preserved knowing that Lord’s purpose for her involved the Okoyong people. It was in this village that she cared for the children, began to teach them how to read and write, shared community with the women, and planted the first ever Okoyong church. Beyond her determination, she maintained a courageous attitude among this people group. During her time there, the son of the chief of the tribe had died from an accident caused by a log. Because of this, the chief sentenced all the people who were around to death. Instead of being fearful for her own life, Mary fought for the lives of these people against the drunken mob. She devised a plan to help the prisoners escape and trusted in the Lord to help her execute her plan without using force. After demonstrating such valor, she managed to save every single prisoner. This was one of the first times
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The Civil War The Second American Revolution Essay examples
The Civil War has been described as one of the most important occurrences in the life of the United States. It was period in time when the United States was no longer united, but instead was split between the north and south due to the ongoing feud over of the legal standing of slavery nationwide. For four years, many people were subjected to horrific measures, especially the soldiers that participated in combat. Despite the brutality of battle, soldiers experienced a numerous amount of daily hardships that made their stint in the war almost intolerable. Being far away from their homes and loved ones, having access only to inadequate food and shelter, gaining an increased risk for diseases, barely living through harsh winters, enduring†¦show more content†¦In 1994, McPherson wrote the book, What They Fought For: 1861-1865, about his exploration on the motivations of the soldiers that fought in the Civil War (â€Å"James M. McPherson†par. 6). He analyzed the letters and diaries of twenty-five thousand soldiers, ultimately determining the reasons for the soldier’s continuance to fight during the Civil War. Ironically, both the Union soldiers and the Confederate soldiers appear to have been fighting for the same overall causes. Both, the Confederate and the Union soldiers, â€Å"expressed about the same degree of patriotism and ideological conventions.†Confederate states fought for â€Å"independence, for their property, for their very survival as a nation,†as well as â€Å"resistance to tyranny†(McPherson 13, 27, 36). Similarly, the Union states portrayed the same causes as the Confederate states, including patriotism, liberty, upholding of the constitutional law, maintaining the legacy of the American Revolution, and additionally the dissolution of anarchy. Just as the inclinations for the continuance of the warfare were quite similar, both Union and Confederate soldiers attempted to justify their reasons and causes by reflecting on the Revolutionary War. The Revolutionary War (1776-1783), also referred to as the American War of Independence, was the fight of t he thirteen colonies to become an independentShow MoreRelatedCivil War as the Second American Revolution Essay965 Words  | 4 PagesThe Civil War could easily be seen as the second American Revolution considering it brought about significant change in history in the political, social, and economic aspects. Prior to the civil war, there had been a policy of slavery in the South which was a main cause of the conflict between the Union and the Confederacy. In the post-war period, slavery had been abolished which brought about much change in not only the social but economic aspect as well. 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The war began because President Abraham Lincoln, elected in 1860, was very persistent on preserving the Union, which was threatened by the issue of slavery. The North was growing rapidly in wealth and population, and it was clearRead MoreThe Shaping Of Our Country1092 Words  | 5 Pagesthe major pivot points that occurred consists of: Jeffersonian democracy, Jacksonian democracy, Civil War/Reconstruction, Revolution/Constitution. However one of them happened to be the most impacting which was the Civil War and Reconstruction. The American Civil War occurred during 1861 to 1865, lasting only five years. America’s bloodiest clash resulting in the death of approximately 620,000 Americans and millions more were injured. In the spring of 1861, the north and south began to rise intoRead MoreThe American Revolution1190 Words  | 5 Pagesthe American Revolution was founded with the intent to preserve American history. However what was the rationale behind the need for an organization of this kind? Because the Daughters of the American Revolution (D.A.R.) limited its membership to only descendants of participants in the war and created a focus on the importance of ancestry, leads the belief that there were another motivating factor behind an organization of this type. Influencing the founders of the D.A.R. was both the Civil WarRead MoreHow Lincoln Won the War with Metaphors1113 Words  | 5 PagesAbraham Lincoln s ability to speak with eloquence and force is what won the Civil War; there can be no doubt about it. His role as a motivator and often an inspiring teacher to all had more of an effect on the troops and the American people than a loss or a victory of any battle ever did. Lincoln s speeches are some of the most celebrated in history for many good reasons. He was always aware of his audience and never failed to impress with his use of logic and knowledge. 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Ethical Issues In The IT Industry Samples †
Question: Discuss about the Ethical Issues In The IT Industry. Answer: Introduction Ethics is something that has become a matter of concern for the companies. This is the era of global and technological business and hence IT sector plays a very major role in it. There are changes in ways IT has influenced the lives of the people (Reynolds, 2011). This has raised many ethical issues for the firms working under this industry. In order to ensure that these issues do not create negative impact on the firms it is essential that they manage it in a better manner. Telstra is one of the biggest IT firm in the Australia. This report throws lights on the ethical issues that are present in the IT industry and the impact it has on the stakeholders associated with the companies like Telstra. It also describes the alternatives that can be used for addressing these issues. Major issues related to ethics and its influence on the stakeholders In IT industry there are many ethical issues that is becoming a challenge for the business (Weckert and Lucas, 2013). These issues have come up due to several kinds of factors. These issues have become challenges for the society and the industry. Some of the issues in the cited industry are listed below: Security: There are larger set of data that is present on the IT mediums these days (Venkatesh, Thong and Xu, 2012). Since all the other industries are also dependent on this industry for their operations. There have been attempts in the past by the hackers to steal or corrupt these data. This has created major ethical concern for the industry as the hackers can misuse this data as per their need. Privacy: There are many types of personal data related to the stakeholders are present in this industry. If these data gets leaked then it is a threat to the privacy of the company as violating such privacy rights is an ethical issue for the Telstra. Copyright Infringement: Today the original work of many people is stored on the IT mediums. Many a times it has been seen that these works are copied by some other person. This especially happens in multimedia files. It is a violation of the copyright act and is a major ethical concern in the industry. Increased burden on IT personnel: With the increasing competition in the industry, the burden on the employees to works more accurately is increasing. They have to deliver quality 24 hours. Many employees get terminated due to their insufficiency to perform at such transforming and high expectations. This has accounted to one of the major ethical concerns in the industry. Digital divide: In many parts of the world IT technologies have not developed so as much as it has in the other corners of the world (Quinn, 2014). Countries such as US have dominance over the internet mediums while the nations in African region have lower access to these technologies. This has created a digital divide in the world. Since this is the era of business that is based on IT and hence the nations that do not have such facilities are lagging in terms of development. It has become one of the major ethical issues in the industry. All these issues have negative impact on the IT industrys stakeholders. If these issues are not addressed in a proper manner then it may create some serious problems for the society. Some of the impact on the stakeholders has been listed below. Employees: Workers of the IT industry are under serious pressure of performing in a better manner so that such issues do not occur. Their personal data is also on stake. Investors: If the data is not secured in a proper way then there is always a chance that there can be heavy loses to the stakeholders. Copyright infringement like in the case of piracy has increased in the past several decades which have resulted in losses for the investors. Consumers: The information related to the consumers of the firm are at stake. This has created the chances of frauds that arise due to security and privacy (Stair, et al., 2011). If any data gets leaked of the clients of the companies then they may cause them personal harm. Government: Any kind of unethical frauds that happens in any industry is directly effecting the government as they have to take care of such issues. If any such frauds occur then government has to give compensations to the clients. Society: There is a change in the IT industry which has become a part and parcel of the lives of the people in the society. These changes have direct effect on the society. If the data leak is related to economic welfare of society occurs then it is an ethical issue for the society. Alternatives for addressing such issues This industry is changing at much faster rate as compared to other industries hence a more dynamic approach must be applied for tackling all these issues. If all these issues have not been taken care of then there can be serious loses to the stakeholders associated with them. There are some of the alternatives that IT industry can use for addressing these issues: Making policies: It is one of the best ways of ensuring that such malpractice does not occur in the industry. Making policy can help in reducing the amount of unethical practices in the industry (Wright, 2011). Thefts related to the data can be reduced to minimum by making policies. Ethical guidelines must be made as per the requirements of the industry and it must be uniformly implemented within the industry. Use of firewalls: There must be use of firewalls that protects data from any kind of attacks with the use of malwares. This will help Telstra in safeguarding from hackers that aims to destroy hardware and software of the firm. Authentication tools: Tools such as login pages can help in safeguarding private and important data of the firm (Floridi, 2013). This does not allow unwanted person to access the systems of the users. Telstra needs to upgrade their authentication tool from time from time so that a better authentication can be provided. Making technology affordable: It is crucial for the industry to make sure that they work on the technology that is affordable. This will help in reducing the divide that is created between the developed and under developing nations. For doing this an extensive amount of research needs to be done. Collaborative approach: It is crucial for the companies in the industry to make sure that they have collaborative efforts to reduce such unethical practices in the industry (Stahl, et al., 2014). Copying of the idea generated by the Telstra by the other must be reduced (Telstra, 2015). Preferred alternative over the many There are many alternatives that are available with the IT industry so as to address the unethical practices in the society (Tavani, 2011). Among these alternatives the most suitable alternative can be to take use of the authentication tool. This is due to the reason that it does not allow any unauthorised person to access the system. This will help in making sure that no frauds or data temper is done. Multilayer authentication tools can be highly beneficial. Even the access to the system should also be given to limited number of stakeholders so that the chances of frauds can be further reduced. Conclusion From the above report it can be summarised that Information and technology industry is facing many kinds of challenges in the form of ethical issues. IT industry has penetrated in the lives of the society and hence the concerns related to the ethics have broadened. Issues such as security and privacy have threatened the stakeholders of the industry. IT firms needs to use all the alternatives present with them for preventing such affairs. Taking use of the authentication tools can help Telstra in preventing from such kind of breach. Recommendations Telstra aims to become one of the best performing firms in the industry. While achieving this they need to ensure that they have taken proper care of all the ethical concerns that are associated with the company. Cited firm needs to use the authentication tools so that any unauthorised person may not access to the systems of the company. They also need to continuously upgrade it so that they remain ahead of the hackers. A formal policy that could stop mal practices inside the firm is required. Use of the advanced firewalls will protect them from any kind of cyber-attacks. References Floridi, L., 2013.The ethics of information. Oxford University Press. Quinn, M.J., 2014.Ethics for the information age. Boston, MA: Pearson. Reynolds, G., 2011.Ethics in information technology. Cengage learning. Stahl, B.C., Eden, G., Jirotka, M. and Coeckelbergh, M., 2014. From computer ethics to responsible research and innovation in ICT: The transition of reference discourses informing ethics-related research in information systems.Information Management,51(6), pp.810-818. Stair, R., Moisiadis, F., Genrich, R. and Reynolds, G., 2011.Principles of information systems. Cengage Learning Australia. Tavani, H.T., 2011.Ethics and technology: Controversies, questions, and strategies for ethical computing. John Wiley Sons. Telstra . (2015) Conducting our business ethically. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 11th March 2018]. Venkatesh, V., Thong, J.Y. and Xu, X., 2012. Consumer acceptance and use of information technology: extending the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology.MIS quarterly, pp.157-178. Weckert, J. and Lucas, R., 2013.Professionalism in the information and communication technology industry. ANU Press. Wright, D., 2011. A framework for the ethical impact assessment of information technology.Ethics and information technology,13(3), pp.199-226.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Civil War Changing Roles of African Americans and Women Essay Example
The Civil War: Changing Roles of African Americans and Women Essay Lopez, Robert Gillis-Smith, Beth English M01A The Civil War: Changing Roles Of African Americans And Women There were several events that lead to the American Civil War. The Northern states wanted African Americans to be free from slavery, while the Southern states wanted to continue owning them. The Northern states didn’t need slaves for their economy to thrive, as opposed to the Southern states, where their economy relied heavily on the slave’s free labor. Both sides also argued on whether or not the newly acquired states should be free states or slave states, but since the North’s population growth exceeded the South’s, they had more power in the government. The Northern sates had most of the electoral votes and that allowed them to decide who would win the election of 1860. The election of 1860, the year Abraham Lincoln was elected president of America. Abraham Lincoln strongly supported abolition. His views went against the Southerner’s beliefs. Once he was elected into office, the Southern states drew the line. A month after he won the election, the Southern states started seceding. That was the final step towards starting the war. There were now two sides, the Northern Union states, and the Southern Confederate states. April 12, 1861, the Confederate army attacked fort Sumter, marking the beginning of the American Civil War. The American Civil War changed the lives of many. After the war nothing could go back to being the same. The group of people who felt the changes most were African Americans and women. Their roles in American society changed during the war and after. We will write a custom essay sample on The Civil War: Changing Roles of African Americans and Women specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Civil War: Changing Roles of African Americans and Women specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Civil War: Changing Roles of African Americans and Women specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The idea of women being fragile, weak, and dependent of a husband had vanished. Women took up their husband’s responsibilities and helped the wounded men that were at war. Some women went to the extreme and disguised themselves as men and actually fought in the war. They were viewed with a new sense of respect. Women proved that they could be strong and independent, that they could do anything a man could do. As for the African American community, they waited, anxiously, to see what the outcome might be. Some Slaves from the south ran away to the North in hope to be freed from their masters. Others joined the union army, and according to the web article, Slave Resistance during the Civil War (sidebar), they made up 15% of the Union Army by the end of the war. This war determined whether they were to be set free, or continue to be slaves. From here on out things started changing. Lincoln started calling in troops to fight against the Confederates. Many men left their homes to join the war, leaving their wives at home. The wives were now in charge of not only taking care of the house and kids, they were also responsible for bringing an income to support the family. Some women were also left in charge of their husbands family business, like 30-year-old Southern women, Elizabeth Thorn. She was a mother of three and became pregnant in 1863. During the war, Elizabeth took care of her home, raised her children, and took over her husbands work in running the family business, the town cemetery. She even took the time to feed and shelter generals and troops whenever they needed it. Unfortunately for her, she was forced to evacuate her home when the war was getting to close to her home. Elizabeth returned later on only to find that the Union soldiers had ransacked her home (Wayne). After working so hard to keep her family’s future, she lost everything in a matter of days. This situation was common among the Southern women. Since most of the war was fought in the South, some women lost everything they had once the Union soldiers came in and took over. Women started breaking from the traditional attitudes that women were limited to housework and raising children. Since many men were fighting the war, they needed nurses to attend them. Over three thousand American women were paid nurses. There were thousand more that volunteered (Wayne). Mary Elizabeth Massey wrote in her book, Women In The Civil War, that â€Å"although conditioned in contrasting environments and schooled in opposing philosophies, women stepped forward as defenders of their respective causes. She goes on and writes, Emotions, energies, and talents that even they did not realize they possessed were unleashed. She writes about how women proved themselves to more then just housewives. Before the war, few women were nurses. Being a nurse was a man’s job, but now that most men got called out to the war they were in need of nurses. Since women had the time to help, several volunteered themselves. Many men thought the job wouldn’t be appropriate for them. They didn’t want their delicate women to be subjected to the horrors of war, but as time went on they realized how strong they were, mentally and physically. Although a large amount of them were untrained to be nurses, they did an excellent job attending the soldiers. Some women demonstrated their leadership skills, like Dorothea Dix who stepped forward and became the Union Superintendent of Nurses. She recruited volunteer nurses that were over the age of 30 and were â€Å"plain looking women†. She recruited these women because she didn’t want people to think that the women were there for the men’s sexual desires. Since there had already been a big controversy were women were being called prostitutes for being nurses (Wayne). Other women took their housekeeping skills to the soldiers’ camps, cooking and doing their laundry. A few women worked as spies for their side. In the Union, the most effective spy they had was Elizabeth Van Lew. According to the article, Women In The Civil War, she helped Federal prisoners escape from Richmond and was also able to obtain information for Ulysses S. Grant that helped him capture the Confederate’s capital. Elizabeth Van Lew did not perform this courageous act alone, she had her former slave, Mary Elizabeth Bowser, help her. Lew sent her to school before the war had started. Once the war started, she sent Bowser to become the slave of the president of the Confederate States, Jefferson Davis. Bowser pretended she could not read, then stole confidential memos when Davis wasn’t looking. She sometimes eavesdropped on his conversations when she was serving his dinner. The Union wasn’t the only side that had spies, the article continues and talks about the spies that the Confederate States had. Among them was Rose ONeal Greenhow, she was able to send secret messages to the confederate soldiers, turning the First Battle of Bull Run (First Battle of Manassas) into a confederate victory. At first, Abraham Lincoln was against using African Americans in the Union Army. He told generals that it would make the Southerners angry. Lincoln said that if they were to arm African Americans it would make the southerners think that the war was about freeing the slaves and that would anger them. It would alienate Border States such as Kentucky, Maryland, Missouri, and Delaware, which were allowed slaves while still being part of the Union (Kauffman). Despite the official policy that denied African Americans the right to join the army, some generals were still recruiting. They realized that the army they had (which was made up entire of white men) wasn’t going to win the war. Soldiers were getting killed faster then they could get replaced and they needed all the help they could get. Lincoln still didn’t agree with what the generals were doing, but he allowed it to happen. During the war many African Americans started running away from the South hoping to escape slavery. The African Americans in the North, that had never been anyone’s slave, were now at risk of being accused as a run-away slave and getting sent â€Å"back†to the South. Once Abraham Lincoln passed the Emancipation Proclamation, African Americans were now allowed to join the union army. Once word spread out to South about this, many African Americans from the South ran away to the North to join the army to fight for their freedom. According to the web article History of African Americans in the Civil War â€Å"Approximately 180,000 African Americans comprising 163 units served in the Union Army during the Civil War, and many more African Americans served in the Union Navy. Both free African-Americans and runaway slaves joined the fight. Now this showed people that the Africans Americans were willing to fight in the war, but quite a few people thought that they didn’t have the heart to fight in this war, but in October 1862 the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteer soldiers were able to fight off the Confederate Soldier in the battle of Island Mound, Missouri, silencing their critics (Kauffman). As General Hunter writes â€Å"They are sober, docile, a ttentive, and enthusiastic, displaying great natural capacities for acquiring the duties of a soldier. They are eager beyond all things to take the field and be led into action; and it is the unanimous opinion†¦ that in the peculiarities of this climate and country, they will prove invaluable auxiliaries, fully equal to the similar regiments so long and successfully used by the British authorities in the West Indies. †People were in shock to see that African Americans were able to fight. They proved themselves to be, somewhat, equal to the other soldiers. After the won was won, the lives of the African Americans and women did not go back to how it was, it would never be the same. Some women liked their newly acquired sense of independence and continued supporting her family by themselves. African Americans were now free and equal in the eyes of the government, but not in the eyes of many white men. Now the African Americans had created a new image for themselves. They weren’t just a group of uneducated slaves. They were soldiers capable of fighting of armies just as any other white soldiers could. Women in the South had it harder then women in the North. Some women lost their husband in the war and were now left to support the family, and to make matters worse, Confederate currency was now worthless. On a lighter note, women had now broken away from their old image. They were now on the same level as the men. Working by their side as equals in hospitals, offices, factories, and political organizations. The article, Women In The Civil War, explains that after the war, women also started getting more informed on issues that had impacts on them. They also began to speak up about military and political topics, showing everyone that they were literate and â€Å"had the capacity to form well-reasoned opinions. Other women felt empowered and worked for a higher education. Now for the African Americans, now free and equal to everyone else according to the law, still had it hard. Four million African Americans were now free. Many of them lived in the South, which made it harder for them to survive on their own. Some had to back into serving their old master as an indentured servant. Black Codes were established, severely limiting the rights of freed slaves (Allard). The American Civil Wa r changed the images of women and African Americans. Both broke away from their old images, and both tried to establish their new image. Women proved that they could be independent and do anything a man could do and with the same results. The jobs that weren’t available to them before were now open to them. The Civil War gave women that extra push they needed to move them away from the ideals that confined women to stay at home. For African Americans, the biggest and most obvious change for them was that they were now free and equal to everyone, even though they weren’t treated that way.
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